Remnant From the Ashes: How to Get the Butcher’s Flail

There has been a rather sizeable update for Remnant From the Ashes released today called Swamps of Corsus. In this update there are a number of new additions to the game including the release of the Butcher’s Flail melee weapon. This new weapon can be acquired by defeating the Unclean One via its alternate kill. To learn how to do this read our how to get the Butcher’s Flail guide below.

How to do the Unclean One Alternate Kill?

Image showing where to go in The Shack to get the Unlcean One Alternate Kill.

To get the new melee weapon called the Butcher’s Flail you need to make your way to the planet of Corsus. On Corsus you will want to get The Shack Dungeon Spawn. In The Shack you will encounter the Unclean One end world boss. If you played prior to the update you may notice the fog gate for this boss is gone. This is necessary for completing the alternate kill.

Image showing the pot to hide in to do the Unclean One Alternate Kill.

To complete the Alternate Kill on the Unclean One approach The Shack and crouch prior to entering. Walk-crouch your way through The Shack and head to the floor to find some stairs leading down into the newly added basement. Head down the stairs into the basement and look along the right wall for a pot with its lid off. Go up to this pot and jump inside. Wait in the pot for a few seconds and the screen will fade to black. Upon fading in you will see the Unclean One sitting in-front of you. Jump out of the pot to start the fight. Complete the boss fight as normal to receive the Hammerhead’s Ore.

How to Craft the Butcher’s Flail

Image showing the Butcher's Flail in Remnant From the Ashes.

Once you have the Hammerhead’s Ore material make your way back to Ward 13. Here you want to head to Boss Items NPC. Give her the Hammerhead’s Ore to receive the Butcher’s Flail. This melee weapon has the following trait:

Corrrosive Strike: Has a 55% chance of applying the Corroded effect reducing the enemy’s defense by 15% for 10 seconds. Charge attacks have a 100% chance of applying the Corroded effect.

That’s all you need to know to get your own Butcher’s Flail. Overall this is a pretty decent melee weapon that look pretty sweet to wield while you are running around.

Thoughts on our how to get the Butcher’s Flail guide? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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