Remnant From the Ashes Subject 2923 Fast Travel Locations

In the new campaign DLC for Remnant From the Ashes, Subject 2923, players get the chance to explore a number of new areas in the game. These areas are specific to the campaign. Like I did in my all Remnant From the Ashes locations post I will be posting the different fast travel spots and their names here. Check out the list below to learn all of Subject 2923 fast travel locations.

Subject 2923 Campaign Locations

The locations you encounter during the Subject 2923 campaign in Remnant From the Ashes contain a wide variety of new earth biomes. Inside each of these biomes you will find checkpoint stones you can interact with. Using these stones you will unlock fast travel locations within the campaign. For Subject 2923 location names are as follows:

Earth Fast Travel Locations

Image showing the Earth Fast Travel destination in Subject 2923 campaign of Remnant From the Ashe.

You will start the Subject 2923 campaign on Earth in a section of the world that is old farmland. In this portion of the campaign you are tasked with heading to Ward Prime to learn more about Subject 2923. Along the way to Ward Prime you may encounter a few fast travel checkpoints:

  • Goldcrest Hills.
  • Homestead.
  • Brookehaven
  • Ward Prime.

At the end of Ward Prime you create portal that leads you to Reisum. Reisum is a new planet that is somewhat inhospitable due to the snowy weather. On Reisum you will need to track down Subject 2923.

Reisum Fast Travel Locations

Image showing the Resium Fast Travel location in Subject 2923 of Remnant From the Ashes.

The Reisum section of the Subject 2923 campaign is much longer and larger than what we played through on Earth. The Resium planet has a number of dungeon and hub areas. The complete list of the Resium fast travel locations during the campaign is as follows:

  • Drolniir Woods.
  • The Silent Snow.
  • Crimson Hold.
  • Deepfrost Expanse.
  • Chillwind Hovel.

These are all of the fast travel locations I encountered during my Subject 2923 playthrough. It is possible there are more than these so I will wait for comments of those who have different experiences. If you encountered anything let me know and I will add it to the list above.

Thoughts on our Remnant From the Ashes Subject 2923 fast travel locations list? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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