Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption 2 Trailer is Live

Well the moment the internet has been waiting for has finally come. Rockstar released the first trailer for their upcoming Red Dead Redemption 2. In case you have been living without internet for the past few days, Rockstar has been drip feeding the reveal to fans on their social media. With a huge amount of hype around the game already, things are sure to be cranked up further with the new trailer out. So what exactly did we Rockstar show us in the first Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer?

Not much really. The footage was largely landscape shots with some infusions of characters doing westerny things. A voice over tells us to ” Listen to me. When the time comes, you’ve got to run and don’t look back. This is over”. While speculation abounds on what this all means, signs are pointing to a prequel. We may finally get a chance to see what exactly John Marston’s past truely holds. Not the most ambitious of story approaches by Rockstar, but it would provide a way to return one of Rockstar’s most iconic characters(John Marston) to the forefront of gaming. I am sure Rockstar will have more reveals in the pipeline leading up to the Fall 2017 release date, but until then speculate away.

I will say that graphically the game looks impressive. From rolling fields to mountain valleys, it appears players will have a beautiful sandbox to explore. After the trailer was released, Sony announced a special partnership with Rockstar and confirmed the trailer was captured on a PS4.

Check the trailer out below.

Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption 2 is slated for release in Fall 2017. No word on PC inclusion yet, but it has been confirmed for both Xbox One and PS4.

What did you think of the Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer? Does this kind of thing get you hyped? Will Rockstar go the way of a prequel? As always let me know in the Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

3 responses

  1. Clueless says:

    Maybe by the time the game is released I’ll have actually played Red Dead all the way through, that should give me enough time right?
    Also I got some serious Westworld vibes from the trailer… maybe a crossover???

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