Secret Trail Guide – Vigil: The Longest Night

Next to the waterfall in the Valley there is a location called the Secret Trail. In this location you will encounter enemies, items, and a boss. While you are exploring this area keep your wits about you as enemies like to drop out of trees to attack. With that said let’s get started in our Secret Trail guide for Vigil: The Longest Night below.

Secret Trail Map and Guide

Image showing the Secret Trail Map in Vigil: The Long Night.

As soon as you enter the Secret Trail area you will see two enemies hanging out in the trees above you. Walk forward to trigger them to drop. When they drop take them out. Continue walking to the left and you will see ground that doesn’t look quite right. Step on it to fall into the pit below. Take out the rats here and head left to exit. Grab the Healing Potion on the left ledge then climb the ladder and bust out with your sword to return to path we were on but on the other side of the hole.

Jump up and grab the bent tree to your left. Follow the path across the bridge to encounter three NPCs: Lite, Mienz, and Cole. All three give the same response when spoken to which basically speak about the boss of this area. Once you’ve spoken to these three head up the wood platforms above their head to the path above.

Navigating to the Secret Cave

Head to the left on this path and take out the enemy that drops down. Continue left to find an enemy outside a door. Defeat this enemy and smash through the door into the cavern system below. Once in the cavern follow the pathway down to the left. Defeat the dog you encounter then smash the door blocking your path.

Image showing the Elevator in the Secret Trail area of Vigil: The Long Night.

Go through the door and fight the enemy in your path. Defeat it then head down the ladder to the floor below. Grab the 4x Healing Potions off the cabinet and continue heading to the right. Smash the door and go into the next room. Defeat both enemies in this room and grab the Elevator Lever item. Head back up to the entrance and insert the lever to trigger the elevator. Ride the elevator down to the lower section of the cavern.

In this lower section exit the elevator and follow the wooden path to the left to reach an Owl Statue. Before continuing to the left drop to the area below the statue and open the chest to get Armor – Percival’s Boots. On a wood platform to the left is a Fledgling’s Blood Soul grab it as well. Head back up to the statue and continue left to reach the Secret Cave.

After the Secret Cave

Once you’ve traversed the Secret Cave you will return to the Secret Trail in a lower portion of the area. This lower portion is home to the boss called . Before you reach the boss you will watch a short cutscene. After this cutscene head to the right. When you see a door above you jump up and open it. This opens a shortcut to the Owl Statue for this area. Return to the statue and save. Head back down the shortcut and continue right to reach the boss arena.

Boss: Brood Mother

Image showing the Brood Mother boss in Vigil: The Longest Night.

Lurking beneath the Secret Trail is a boss arena that houses the boss called the Brood Mother. The Brood Mother is a large creature with long arms it uses to attack Leila. When you fight this enemy you must be aware of its reach as well as environmental damage that can be sustained from falling rocks in the arena. When you do manage to beat this boss you will unlock Double Jump and will receive the Ruby Necklace and the Graveyard Key items. You will also unlock the Bruna’s Redemption achievement.

With the ability to Double Jump and the key you can now enter the Cemetery. Before doing so leave the boss arena to the right to encounter the The Lantern Keeper. Speak to him then continue right. Use double jump to reach the ledge above to get the Armor – Percival Chest from the treasure chest and a Healing Potion on the path leading to the right. Follow the path to the right to enter the Valley.

Thoughts on our Secret Trail guide? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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