Stories Untold Guide

Stories Untold is a new horror text adventure out of No Code and Devolver Digital. In this game you will undertake a total of four different chapters which tell the same nightmare. To help you complete each chapter use our Stories Untold guide below. Good luck! (Guide: In Progress).

Commands in Stories Untold

Image showing the different text commands in Stories Untold.

Before you start this text adventure here are some important commands to remember:

  • Look At (insert object, room, etc.).
  • Use (insert item).
  • Go to (insert place).
  • Open door.

If you fail to put in a correct command the game will not understand. Try to think in terms of the commands above to make your playthrough simple and easy!

Episode 1: The House Abandon Guide

Image showing The House Abandon episode from Stories Untold.

Prompt 1: You pull up to the driveway of the family holiday home and park the car. It’s dark, but it’s as idyllic as you remember from all that time ago. You remember being told to look in the glovebox before going in. It’s good to be back.

  • Open glovebox – receive key and note from Dad.
  • Read note – hint about generator at back of house.
  • Leave car.

Prompt 2: The house is grand, sat perfectly amongst the trees. In front of you is the front door, and the yard stretches around the side of the house.

  • Enter yard – go around to back of house.
  • Look at generator.
  • Turn on generator – powers up the house.
  • Leave – go back to front of house.
  • Unlock Door – Use key to unlock front door.
  • Enter House.

Prompt 3: You enter the house to the hallway. It’s dark and you can’t see anything. You fell a light switch next to the door however.

  • Turn on Light.

Prompt 4: The Hallway is now brightly lit. There is access to the kitchen and living room here, as well as a set of stairs going up.

  • Explore living room and kitchen if you want.
  • Go upstairs to advance story.

Prompt 5: The stairwell landing. There is a bathroom, and two bedrooms-your’s and your sister’s. Pictures adorn the walls; images of happy times.

  • Explore bathroom and sister’s room if you want.
  • Go to your room.

Prompt 6: Your old bedroom. So many good memories in here, and it’s been preserved so well. On the desk is a gift wrapped box.

  • Open box.
  • Setup computer.
  • Play game.

Once you’ve inputted the “Play game” command, the power will go out and things will turn more ominous. You will need to complete the nightmare variant of what we did above. Here’s the things you need to do.

Prompt 1: You pull up to the driveway of the family holiday home and park the car. It’s dark, but it’s as clearly neglected. You remember being told to look in the glovebox before going in. You can’t stand to be near this place.

  • Open glovebox – receive key and note from Dad.
  • Read note – ominous note which message changes in each room.
  • Leave car.

Prompt 2: The house looks abandoned. There is a yard to the side. Wood creaks in the wind, and all happy memories are gone from this place. There is no love here.

  • Enter yard – go around to back of house.
  • Look at generator.
  • Turn on generator – powers up the house.
  • Leave – go back to front of house.
  • Unlock Door – Use key to unlock front door.
  • Enter House.

Prompt 3: Pitch black, but your senses are punished more by the smell. Stale air and damp. This could not be less inviting. The note burns in your hands, you feel compelled to read it over and over.

  • Turn on Light.
  • When you turn on the lights an alarm will sound upstairs in your room. Input Turn Off Alarm.

Prompt 4: You are still in the hallway. The noise has stopped but you feel a presence. Someone is in the house. They should not be here. There is a kitchen and a living room adjacent, and stairs leading up. The note feels disgusting in your hands.

  • Explore living room if you want.
  • Enter Kitchen and Look at writing on wall = 1986
  • Leave.
  • Go upstairs.

When you go upstairs, the phone by the desk will start to ring. Type in Answer phone. Read the text then Hang up when prompted to.

Prompt 5: Same but differ. ent.,, The landing has access to your sistersSISTERS room, your room, and the bathroom. Pictures are all over the wall. But something is different about them.

  • Explore bathroom and sister’s room if you want.
  • Go to your room.
  • Unlock Door using code 1986.
  • Open door.
  • Enter your room.
  • Read note.

Prompt 6: There is nothing left to do. I’m consumed and confused. This has to end now…

  • End.
  • It was all my fault.
  • It was all my fault.

That will end the first episode of Stories Untold. Continue reading to find our guide to episode 2 of Stories Untold, The Lab Conduct.

Episode 2: The Lab Conduct Guide

Episode 2 of Stories Untold plays out a little differently than Episode 1 as you need to complete a number of experiments on a test subject. These experiments need to match up with how they are laid out in a manual in order to be completed.

Experiment 1: X-RAY

Screenshot showing the procedure for the X-RAY experiment in Stories Untold.
Screenshot showing the different equipment used in the X-RAY experiment of Untold Stories.

The first experiment you need to complete is taking an X-RAY of the Artifact. To do this you need to turn on the (1) Camera, set the (2) Monitor to X-RAY, and (3) Charge the CC-86 X-RAY device. See the picture above for the corresponding equipment. Once you’ve setup the experiment press the green button on 4. After you’ve completed the experiment turn everything off.

Experiment 2: Surface Reaction Attempt

Image showing the steps for Experiment 2 Surface Reaction Attempt.
Image showing the steps to complete the second experiment in Stories Untold.

The next experiment tasks you with shooting a laser at the Artifact. To do this you need to set a (1) wavelength of Red (650 nm), set the (2) monitor to RGB, (3) turn on the camera, and (4) run the experiment. Once done this experiment you will need to complete more laser tests using different colors. Simply input the wavelength of the requested laser colors in to complete the experiment.

Experiment 3: Resonant Frequency

Image showing the steps for Experiment 3 Resonant Frequency.

In the third experiment you need to determine the resonant frequency of the Artifact. To do this you need to (1) set the Signal Generator’s frequency and waveform, (2) set the amplifier gain, and then (3) run the experiment. You will start at 250Hz and 1 Gain.

Thoughts on our Stories Untold guide? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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