Subject 2923 Weapons – Remnant From the Ashes

In the Subject 2923 DLC for Remnant From the Ashes there are a number of new additions like new armor sets, new weapon mods, and new weapons. Weapons in the DLC can be unlocked via a number of methods from defeating specific bosses to get their boss weapon or by completing certain puzzles. To help you keep track of all the new weapons in the DLC check out the Subject 2923 weapons list below.

Machine Pistol

Image showing the Machine Pistol hand gun in Remnant From the Ashes Subject 2923.

Location: Ward Prime Office (Earth).

Intrinsic Weapon Mod: N/A – Can be equipped with any Weapon Mod.

The Machine Pistol can be acquired during a Subject 2923 campaign playthrough in the Ward Prime location. In this location on floor B1 there is an office with a puzzle inside it players can complete. Once this puzzle is complete a Storage Room will open that has the Machine Pistol inside it. Check out our Ward Prime computer puzzle guide if you need help completing the puzzle.


Image showing the Sawed-Off in Remnant From the Ashes Subject 2923.

Location: The Frieran Sea (Reisum).

Intrinsic Weapon Mod: N/A – Can be equipped with any Weapon Mod.

The Sawed-Off hand gun can be acquired in the Reisum Dungeon called The Frieran Sea. In this dungeon there is an NPC onboard the shipwreck called Sebum. Sebum sells the Sawed-Off under the weapons tab for 450 Scrap.

Fusion Rifle

Image showing the Fusion Rifle in Remnant From the Ashes.

Location: Ward Prime (Earth).

Intrinsic Weapon Mod: Fusion Cannon – Fires a large powerful beam that penetrates through enemies dealing 180 damage with a single charge. Firing multiple charges increases the power dealing up to 1,080 damage.

You will receive the Fusion Rifle near the very end of the Subject 2923 campaign. This weapon is given to players during the second phase of the final boss Harsgaard. When you receive this new weapon a cut-scene will trigger where it will appear in your hands. This cut-scene sequence adds the weapon to your long guns in the Character tab.


Image showing the Frostborne melee weapon in Remnant From the Ashes.

Location: Fellmourn Burrow (Reisum).

Intrinsic Weapon Mod: Cold Strike – Strikes apply FROSTBITE stacks. Charge attacks apply 2 stacks per hit.

The Frostborne melee weapon can be found near the hub checkpoint called Fellmourn Burrow on Reisum. At this checkpoint you need to find a secret passage that is hidden behind a bookshelf. At the end of this passage there is an altar with the Frostborne axe on it.


Image showing the Alternator weapon in Remnant From the Ashes.

Location: The Crimson Hold (Reisum).

Intrinsic Weapon Mod: Incinerator – Spews 11 fireballs that deal 45 FIRE damage within 2 Meters each and ignites enemies with the BURNING effect dealing 300 FIRE damage over 10 seconds.

The Alternator long gun is a weapon you can craft in Ward 13 with the Cold Cell material drop off the Reisum world bosses of Brudvaak and Vargr. To get this material to drop you need to defeat Brudvaak first then Vargr after. If the bosses are defeated in this manner you will get the Cold Cell which allows you to get the Alternator.

Chain Blade

Image showing the Chain Blade weapon in Remnant From the Ashes.

Location: The Crimson Hold (Reisum).

Intrinsic Weapon Mod: Chain Strike – Charge attacks extend the chain allowing the wielder to hit enemies from farther away.

The Chain Blade is a melee weapon you can craft in Ward 13 with the Steel of Agony material drop off the Reisum world bosses of Brudvaak and Vargr. To get this material to drop you need to defeat Vargr first then Brudvaak after. If the bosses are defeated in this manner you will get the Steel of Agony which allows you to get the Chain Blade.

World’s Edge

Image showing the World's Edge sword from Remnant From the Ashes.

Location: Ward Prime (Earth).

Intrinsic Weapon Mod: Horizon Strike – Charge attacks release a wide wave projectile that will penetrate through multiple enemies.

Defeating the final campaign boss, Harsgaard, will earn players the Root Neoplasm material. This material can be turned into the boss weapon World’s Edge sword.

These are all the weapons in Subject 2923 we’ve found so far in Remnant From the Ashes. If you know of more weapons and how to get them let me know in the comments section below. As of right now it appears there are possibly weapons attached to alternative kills still needed to be found.

Thoughts on the new Subject 2923 Weapons? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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