The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan Finding Friends Guide

At the start of the Finding Friends chapter you will take control of Brad. If you’ve been following our good ending guide, Brad will be on The Duke (since he hides during the pirate boarding). Use the Finding Friends guide below to help Brad complete this chapter.


  • There are five collectibles in this chapter:
    • Secret #43: Infantry Badge.
    • Secret #21: Hastily Written Message.
    • Secret #4: Locks Memo.
    • White Framed Picture #3: Copper Bottomed.
    • Secret #19: Radio Operator’s Memo.
  • Choices made in this chapter do impact the outcome of the game.
  • This guide is for the best ending where everyone survives.
  • This article is part of a best ending story guide.

Finding Friends – Brad

You take control of Brad on The Duke. Brad hid during the pirate kidnapping. Since they don’t know about Brad he enters the Abandoned Ship without much difficulty.

On the ship walk Brad along the walkway until he hears some screams. Continue forward and take a left at the T. Open the door at the end and go upstairs. Turn right and go down the hall. Enter the first room on your right.

Collectible: Secret #43: Infantry Badge

Image showing the location of Secret #43: Infantry Badge.

Inside the room with all the soldiers go over to the corpse by itself. Interact with the corpse to view its Infantry Badge.

Head back the into the staircase hallway and enter the next room to get another collectible.

Collectible: Secret #21: Hastily Written Message

Image showing the location of Secret #21: Hastily Written Message.

In this room the collectible is lying on the desk. Simply inspect it to add it to your collection.

Once you have both collectibles make your way back to the room with the soldier’s corpses and head through it into the Locker Room.

Inside the Locker Room interact with the locker on the right side 2x to get the Gas Mask. Ignore the washroom (on your left) and head into the next room.

Collectible: Secret #4: Locks Memo

Image showing the location of the Secret #4 Locks Memo.

In the next room make your way down the hall and ignore the box by the vent. Open the door (QTE – Square) to the Quartermaster’s Room. Walk all the way to the right in this room to find the Locks Memo.

Return to the hallway and push the box into position so you can climb over the wall. On the other side of the wall there is a collectible.

Collectible: White Framed Picture #5: Copper Bottomed

Image showing the White Framed Picture #3 Copper Bottomed location.

After you climb over the wall head down the hallway and enter the first room on your right. Head all the way to the right to find the White Framed Picture #3: Copper Bottomed.

Return to the hallway and continue heading down it to reach a new room. Go inside the room and head along the walkway to the left. Ignore the hanging corpse item and the corpse on the ground.

Collectible: Secret #19: Radio Operator’s Memo

Image showing the Secret #19: Radio Operator's Memo location.

Walk along the walkway to the left and look for a glowing item on top of a box. Interact with this item to get the Radio Operator’s Memo.

Walk past the box with the Radio Operator’s Memo on it and you will see a break in the railings. Drop down to end the chapter. What follows is the start of the Ritual chapter.

This concludes our Finding Friends guide. Let us know what you think in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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