The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan Intrusion Guide

After the friends get spooky with their ghost story, they head to bed. During this time a cutscene occurs which shows the pirates converging on The Duke. This starts the Intrusion chapter. Learn how to correctly complete this chapter with our Intrusion guide.


  • There are no collectibles in this chapter.
  • Choices made in this chapter do impact the outcome of the game.
  • This guide is for the best ending where everyone survives.
  • This article is part of a bigger story guide.
  • This article is part of a bigger everyone survives guide.
  • I recommend making a backing up a save before this mission since it is heavy on QTEs that can really screw you over.

Intrusion – Conrad

Image showing the start of the Intrusion chapter.

At the start of this mission the pirates will come on board and will tie everyone up. During this time there are QTEs. If you trigger these QTEs you will unlock the As Long as you’re quick Achievement/Trophy. Regardless of hitting the QTEs or not everyone end up tied up. You will then get to choose who to untie:

  1. Ungag Fliss on the left.
  2. Alex will Ungag you.
  3. Ungag Alex on the right.
  4. Alex will ungag Julia.
  5. A pirate named Junior entera and takes away Fliss.
  6. Untie Alex until Junior enters.
  7. Press square to avoid getting punched.

After this Conrad will be taken to the deck to meet Olson the pirate lead. Olson will punch Conrad. After this event say the following to Olson:

  1. SERIOUS: “What do you want”
  2. AGITATED: “Please just stop” 

Conrad will then be taken back to the lower area of the. As he is being taken back to Alex and Julia tell Junior COMPLIANT: “Okay.”

Conrad and Alex will talk. Reply with the following:

  1. UNEASY: “No. I hope he’s okay”

Conrad’s Escape

Image showing when to hit the window during Conrad's escape.

A little time will pass and Conrad will be staring out the window gauging how far away the storm is.

  1. CONCERNED: “I can sneak around to the boat”

Replying with this choice sets the following plan into motion. Conrad is going to sneak around to the speed boat in an attempt to escape. To do this he needs to knock the window out while using the thunder to cover the sound. You can knock the window out using R2.

You want to knock the window out on the count of six (easy to do with subtitles on). For breaking the window without a sound you unlock the Break ’em during the thunder Achievement/Trophy. What follows is a QTE sequence that is make or break for Conrad’s survival.

  1. Conrad on side of boat: Press X with the heartbeat pulses. Need to do this 5 times.
  2. Choose Escape (left option) over the Knife (right option).
  3. When at the boat: Square, Circle, Circle, Triangle.

If you complete this QTE circuit Conrad will survive and you will unlock the Can’t catch him with this old junker.

Back on the boat Alex makes an attempt at holding a pirate hostage, but the attempt fails. This ends the chapter. What follows is a chapter called Storm.

This ends our Intrusion guide. Drop any questions or comments you have into The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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