The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan – The Duke Guide

After you complete the Chinese Market prologue you will begin the game. The game starts with the chapter called The Duke. In this chapter we meet the cast of the game and do a little conversing. Use our The Duke guide to set yourself on the path to the best ending.


  • There are no collectibles in this chapter.
  • Choices made in this chapter do impact the outcome of the game.
  • This guide is for the best ending where everyone survives.
  • This article is part of a bigger everyone survives guide. .

The Duke

When you start The Duke chapter you will be in control of Brad. Brad will talk with two characters during this chapter as they prepare to embark on a diving trip.

Brad talking with Alex on boat (order of responses):

  1. Resentful: “I had to work.”
  2. UNEASY: “Not good with people” 
  3. EMPATHETIC: “Must be tough” 
  4. SENTIMENTAL: “Go with your gut” – Unlocks the Proposal bearing.

Once you are done speaking with Alex, Conrad and Julia will appear. Brad will briefly speak with Conrad.

Brad talking to Conrad (order of responses):

  1. RELAXED: “Yeah, cool!” 
  2. GLOOMY: “Never” 

Once you are done talking with Conrad a final member of the party will pull up named Fliss. Fliss is the captain of the boat. Fliss wants to set off which is what she does. This ends the chapter and starts the next chapter called Wreck.

Thoughts on our The Duke guide? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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