The Deepest Dark Co-Op Modes Comes to Evolve

Evolve has undergone a bit of a resurgence recently thanks to the recent shift to f2p and the addition of “The Deepest Dark” may help continue the player surge. Turtle Rock put out a teaser video showing off a bit of the new Co-Op game mode.

Aside from Stranger Things vibe to the reveal which I dig, not much is revealed. What we do know is that players will have to stop a monster called the Gorgon Queen, by taking both it an it’s eggs down. Unlock other monsters in Evolve, the Gorgon Queen gets power from eating both fauna and also you. This mode is now available in the beta section of Evolve. To play, head to the Co-op vs. AI section of the matchmaking queue. This update brings not only the Gorgon mode, but also a bunch of tweaks to balance so patch notes may be worth your while. It remains to be seen how long Deepest Dark will stick around for as the developers are calling this “an experiment,” basically looking at what works and what doesn’t.

Evolve is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One right now! To learn more about the updates like Deepest Dark or other things, check out Turtle Rock’s website, Twitter, and Facebook.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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