The Division 2 East Mall SHD Tech Cache Locations

East Mall is the third area you will visit in The Division 2. In this area you will find a total of seven SHD Tech Caches to collect. This guide will show you all East Mall SHD Tech Cache Locations.

East Mall SHD Tech Cache Locations Map

In the East Mall area of The Division 2 you will find a total of seven SHD Tech Caches. These caches give you SHD Tech which can be used to unlock perks for your agent.

Note: To have the SHDs marked on your map, access The Ring Safe House and interact with the computer there. This will mark points of interest on your map.

1. By Oil Truck in Underpass

By this oil truck you will find the cache.

You will find the first SHD Tech cache near a truck in the underpass.

2. Tunnel in CERA Dump Site

Look for this tunnel in the CERA dump site.

In the CERA dump site there is a small tunnel. Inside the tunnel is the SHD Tech cache.

3. By uTour Bus in Underpass

Next to this uTour bus is the cache.

You will find this SHD Tech Cache in front of a uTour bus in an underpass at location three.

4. Side Mission: National Mall

East Mall SHD Tech Cache Locations
Complete the National Mall side mission to get this cache.

Location four is a side mission you can complete to earn 5 SHD Tech. This side mission has you enter the parking garage of the National Mall. Here you will need to protect a dying agent from enemies. Once you clear the enemies you can loot the cache by the deceased agent. Complete the rest of the mission to earn the SHD reward.

5. Underground

East Mall SHD Tech Cache Locations
Make your way underground to reach this cache.

You will need to go underground to collect this SHD Tech Cache. Look for a ladder leading down then enter the underground. Look for the cache near the top of some stairs by a chain link fence.

6. By Tent in Underground Parking Entrance

Look for this red tent to find the cache.

If you enter the underground parking entrance at spot six, you will see a red tent. By this tent is the SHD Tech cache.

7. In Front of Holiday Market Gift Shop

Near the Holiday Market Gift Shop is the cache.

You will find the final SHD Tech Cache in front of the Holiday Market Gift Shop at location seven.

That’s all the locations of all the East Mall SHD Tech Caches. Once you’ve collected all of these, don’t forget to visit Coop Dennison so you can buy some Perks.

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