The Division 2’s Clan System has Been Revealed in New Blog Post

The Division 2 is quickly reaching its release date and with the impending release comes new information about the looter-shooter’s new clan system. Over on The Division 2’s blog a new post titled INTELLIGENCE ANNEX: CLANS has been released revealing more information about The Division 2’s clan system. More information below.

The Division 2 Clan System

The Division 2 clan system image.
This image was released by Ubisoft to show some of the details of the new clan system. Image via Ubisoft.

The post by Ubisoft highlights a number of interesting additions the clan system will make to The Division 2. First each can will allow up to 50 accounts per clan, with each account being able to have four characters each. Second there will be a dedicated clan feed so members of a clan can view clan progression and post messages to one another. Alongside the feed there will be two dedicated 25 member voice channels per clan, allowing you “…you to socialize with each other at all times, regardless of where in the game you are or what activity you currently are partaking in. “

Finding/Joining/Creating Clans will be Easy

Finding/Joining a Clan will be easy to do according to the Ubisoft post. Players looking for clans will be able to filter for suitable clans using parameters like:

  • Activities – The primary focus of the clan, PvE, PvP or both.
  • Most Active Times – The time of day the clan is the most active.
  • Atmosphere – The general atmosphere of the clan; would you prefer a relaxed easy-going clan, a clan focused on certain aspects of the game or a highly competitive PvP clan?
  • Mic Requirement – If the clan requires a microphone to be able to join.
  • Language – The primary spoken language of the clan.
  • Region – The geographical location of the clan members.

Those creating clans will also have plenty of control through setting a preferred privacy level, which means whether the clan is open to the public or not.

Clan Hierarchy

Within each clan there will be a hierarchy of sorts. The higher the rank, the more tools at your disposal for running the clan. The rankings are:

  • Commander – The leader of the clan which has access to all administrative functions of the clan.
  • Lieutenant – The officer rank, which will be able to send out invites, review applications, promote and demote members as well as moderate the clan feed.
  • Agent – The established clan member able to invite potential recruits to the clan.
  • Recruit – The recruit is a new member of the clan with limited access to administrative clan functionality.

What You’ll Work Towards in a Clan

Once you’ve started or found a clan to join, you and your clan members will begin to earn CXP (clan XP) from in-game actions. A clan’s CXP will be put towards unlocking a weekly upgradeable clan cache which comes in different tiers (bronze, silver, gold). The clan cache contains guaranteed rewards which will be further improved by reaching the silver and gold tiers.

Clan Headquarters

When not working towards acquiring CXP, clans can relax in The East Wing of the White House which serves as clan headquarters. In this area you will find the clan stash as well as the clan vendor. The clan vendor will sell better rarities of items as your clan level rises. Alongside the vendor there will also be a place to see the top three CXP contributors in the clan for the week.

The Division 2 is slated for release on March 15 on PS4, PC, and Xbox One.

Thoughts on The Division 2’s clan system? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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