The End is Nigh Guide

The Machine is the final area we need to visit in our quest to get a friend! This world is roughly 20 rooms long and features a combination of many of the puzzles and platforming elements we have seen up to this point. Let’s find that friend!

The Machine 1

Strategy: Ride the conveyor on the left and then jump to the conveyor in the middle. Jump over the middle island and grab the other side. Jump from the conveyor to the far right wall. Make your way over the spikes and head to the exit.

The Machine 2

Strategy: Jump to the conveyor and ride it up. Jump down onto the spike column that appears and then drop down to the platform below. Jump to the other platform when you get close and then jump to the exit.

The Machine 3

Strategy: Jump up to the conveyor and zigzag to avoid the turret. Jump onto the appearing/disappearing blocks to make your way to the top right conveyor. Ride the conveyor up to the exit (We need a key).

The Machine 4

Strategy: Inside this room, we are introduced to these gravity/slowing things. These columns suspend you in place when you jump inside. Using either the jump or descend, you can move around inside. You want to use your momentum to get through this room. Follow the path and you’ll be good.

The Machine 5

Strategy:  Use your momentum to jump from gravity thing to gravity thing. On the last one (right one), use the hook on the right side to launch yourself into the gravity and up to the exit.

The Machine 6

Strategy:  Use the gravity thing to reach the top of the room. Jump to the moving platform and ride it over to the key. Grab the key and return to the exit (avoid the bullets).

The Machine 7

Strategy: N/A

The Machine 8

Strategy: Jump on the hook and jump to the hook on the moving spike block. Ride the block through the poison and jump to the switch. Hit the switch and then drop down to the now open exit.

The Machine 9

Strategy: Use the moving blocks on the bottom of the level to take you to the conveyor on the right wall. Use the conveyor to access the upper platform conveyor. Jump the spikes and make your way to the exit.

The Machine 10

Strategy: Use the Koffing creature to bounce your way up to near the top platform. Jump to the platform and head up to the next room.

The Machine 11

Strategy: Inside The Machine 11, are a few disappearing and reappearing blocks. Use these blocks to reach the upper portion of the level. Going left takes you to The Machine 12 and going right takes you to The Machine 13.

The Machine 12

Strategy: Run along the conveyor and dodge the spikes. Drop down to the next conveyor and do the same thing. Use the gravity lift to drop down to the moving blocks. Ride the blocks to the conveyor along the left wall. Grab the key and return to the entrance (or drop down to The Machine 14).

The Machine 13

Strategy: Drop down onto the conveyor and make your way towards the box on the right. You’ll need to ride the box up to the locked door. This requires dodging all the spiked balls that fling at your face.

The Machine 14

Strategy: Drop down the hole in The Machine 12 to reach a key. Use the conveyors to return to the exit.

The Machine 15

Strategy: Jump down and dodge the moving spike balls. Jump up to the moving conveyor belt and avoid the spikes. Grab the key here and use either the hook or a ledge jump to clear the spikes near the exit.

The Machine 16

Strategy: The Machine 16/17 have multiple rooms branching off from them. The top hallway leads to The Machine 18 (A), while the bottom hallway leads to a room called The Machine. Depending on where you want to go and how many keys you have, determines which where you want to go. If you want a spare key, go to A. Otherwise go to B.

The Machine 17


Strategy: This room involves dodging both spikes, dropping spikes, and chain chomps. Choose which way you want to go depending on what you want to do. Down moves the story along, while up allows you to grab a spare key.

The Machine 18

Strategy: The point of this room is to get the key in the middle. This is done by hitting the two switches in the upper corners. Move through this room in a counterclockwise fashion and it is fairly easy.

The Machine

Strategy: This room is somewhat of a pain. There are two moving platforms in the center of the room; hooks on both sides of the room; and turrets shooting on both sides of the room. Make your way to the middle hook and time your jump to avoid both the platforms and bullets. This may take a few tries.

The Machine 20

Strategy: Jump down to the large room with the machine gun. As soon as you land, run for the vertical conveyor on the right wall. Ride the conveyor up and jump over the gun to hit the switch. Run to the left and drop down into the now open little room. Hit the switch and jump back up and run past the machine gun again towards the exit.

The Machine 21

Strategy: In this room there are a couple of disappearing and reappearing blocks. Use these blocks to cross the room to the exit. Watch out for the black goo that chases you throughout the room!

The Machine 22

Strategy: Use the gravity things to make your way across the room. Keeping your momentum seems to be the major key to beating this room easily. 

The Machine 23

Strategy: Jump across the platforms and grab the orb on the very last platform. We have everything we need to make ours friend. Return to your house to get things started!

The Machine – World Run Through Video

If My text guide failed you, take a look at this World Run through video I put together. This may help you visualize a bit more what my strategies were for completing each level in The Machine.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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