The End is Nigh Guide

The Future!

The End is Nigh Guide

If you thought The Past was difficult, you’re in for a treat. First up the levels themselves are way harder than anything you faced in The Past. Second, those tumors you’ve collected are actually lives and losing all of them sends you back to the beginning of the world you were on. Thanks Breadmund! Let’s start making our way through the actual game!

Anguish 1

The End is Nigh Guide

Strategy: Drop down to the platform below and jump over the pit to the right. Head out to Anguish 2.

Anguish 2

The End is Nigh Guide

Strategy: As soon as you enter Anguish 2, the pillar to the left of the middle pit begins to fall. Quickly run and jump across the pit and make your way past the spikes. Use the hook on the far right to reach the exit.

Anguish 3

The End is Nigh Guide

Strategy: Anguish 3 is all about precision jumps. Follow the path above and you should be okay.

Anguish 4

The End is Nigh Guide

Strategy: Like Anguish 3, you need to be precise with your jumps here. Follow the path laid out above and you should be okay.

Anguish 5

The End is Nigh Guide

Strategy: The moment you drop to the floor below, it begins to drop away. Make your way to the first hook as soon as possible and jump to the hook beneath the chomp hook across to the hooks in the middle of the level. Wait for the chomps to float away from one another and ledge jump from the hook to the exit.

Anguish 6

The End is Nigh Guide

Strategy: The spiked ball things in the bottom of this level move from left to right. Time you moves for when the coast is clear. Head to the hook on the right side of the starting platform. Hang for a second and then jump up to the hooks in the center (you’re safe here). Wait for the chomps to move away from each other and then ledge jump to the low hook on the far right platform. Use the hook to reach the exit.

Anguish 7

The End is Nigh Guide

Strategy: As Soon as you jump to the center island in Anguish 7, it begins to collapse. Quickly use the small blocks to make your way up top and jump to either the right platform or the hook below.

Anguish 8

The End is Nigh Guide

Strategy: Jump to the first platform and it will start to collapse. Wait for it to fall and jump between the spikes. Land on the other platform and head to the hook. Wait for the platform to lower and hook jump between the chomps. Land on the third platform and jump to the hook. use the hook to access the exit.

Anguish 9

The End is Nigh

Strategy: All you need to do in Anguish 9 is jump from small block to small block as you make your way up to the exit. Watch out for the chomps as they move in the wind. Wait for the openings to make your jumps.

Anguish 10

The End is Nigh Guide

Strategy: This room sucks. When you jump to the first hook, the whole middle pillar begins to collapse. Use the hooks as they fall to climb higher. At the top, make a big jump to the exit.

Anguish 11

The End is Nigh

Strategy: The point of this room is to cross the breakable blocks and trigger the switch. This raises the block obscuring a hook on the middle island. As you make your way to the switch, DO NOT BREAK ALL THE BREAKABLE BLOCKS!

Anguish 12

The End is Nigh Guide

Strategy: Each platform in this room either raises or lowers. The first platform you jump to lowers when you are on it. Ride the platform down to the second platform and jump across. Jump to the third platform and push the button. Head back to the second platform and ride it up so you can jump to the fourth platform. Jump off the fourth platform to the exit.

Anguish 13

The End is Nigh Guide

Strategy: As you jump down onto the first floating platform it will start to fall. This happens on every platform as you make your way to the exit on the far right.

Anguish 14

The End is Nigh Guide


Strategy: Hook jump, hook jump, and more hook jump. The hook jumps you need to do are somewhat in between  baby and mini.

Anguish 15The End is Nigh Guide


Strategy: Inside Anguish 15 there are blocks falling from the ceiling. These blocks drop at different speeds. Use the blocks as the fall to make it to the switch in the top right. Hit the switch and then cross the blocks to the second switch in the middle left. Activate the switch and make your way to the now open exit.

Anguish 16The End is Nigh Guide

Strategy: Does this level look familiar? That’s because it is! We ran through this level back in The End. The twist here is that the ceiling falls faster. Move as quick as you can to the exit.

Anguish 17

The End is Nigh Guide

Strategy: The lower platform at the bottom of the level moves to the right. Jump on it and ride it to the hooks. The rest of the level is simply precision jumping.

Anguish 18

The End is NIgh Guide

Strategy: The blocks in this room fall when you land on them. The chomps also move towards you so you need to move quickly. Jump from the small blocks to the exit.

Anguish 19

The End is Nigh Guide

Strategy: Like the last level but only more trolly. You need to essentially cross the blocks twice. First time you will need to make it to the floating switch; the second time you need to make it to the exit. The yellow block highlights a safe area where you can stand and not get hit. The only real strategy here is timing.

Anguish 20

The End is NIgh Guide

Strategy: Yet another very similar level we have seen before. This time, when you hit the switch, a giant ball starts chasing you Indiana Jones style. Run as quick as you can through this level.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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