The End is Nigh Guide

The End is Nigh opens with a brief cutscene that explains that the world has ended and no one is alive. Having just lost are only game cartridge, we decide to set out in hopes of finding a friend. With this friend, we believe we will be able to have fun again.

Like Super Meat Boy, The End is Nigh uses a world system. Instead of one level being one puzzle, The End is Nigh strings the puzzles together in succession. The guide below will show you how to get through The End (World 1).

The End 1

Strategy: All you need to do in The End 1 is head to the right. Easy enough?

The End 2

Strategy: Head right, jump over three pits using space/A button.

The End 3

Strategy: Attach to the hook and then jump to the higher platform. Continue right and jump across both gaps.

The End 4

Strategy: Now things start to get a bit more complicated. Use the hooks on the left side of the center island to reach the higher platform. Cross the center island and drop down onto the hooks on the right side. From the bottom hook, launch yourself (LT pushed in direction you want to go + A) to the small platform. Jump the gap and complete the level.

The End 5

Strategy: Drop down and small hop the middle spikes. Jump over the second spikes and use the hooks to reach the upper platform.

The End 6

Strategy: Drop down and head right to the spikes. Jump over the spikes and attach to the hook. Launch yourself across the gap to the end of the level.

The End 7

Strategy: The End 7 is mostly about speed. All you need to do is make your way to the center island (which slowly collapses) and then jump to the floating platform. This needs to be done relatively quick, but can be recovered if you make it to the small notches on the far right (exit platform).

The End 8

Strategy: Like the previous level, the various platforms here will slowly lower. The first platform you jump to will be ridden down until you can safely jump between the spikes. Once on the second platform, simply continue jumping until you reach the exit.

The End 9

Strategy: When you land on the center island, the island starts to collapse. Quickly use the hooks to reach the upper portion and then jump across to the exit.

The End 10

Strategy: The End 10 introduces a new type of platform, the break able one. These platforms look less solid than other platforms we have experienced up to this point. Once you land on a breakable platform, you only have a few seconds to jump to the next one. Jump across the bustable platforms and then use the hooks to reach the top. Drop down to the exit.

The End 11

Strategy: This level is fairly straightforward. Use the breakable platforms to make your way to the level exit.

The End 12

Strategy: All four of the island platforms in this level lower at different speeds. All you really need to do here, is use the hooks on the first island; ride the island down and jump to the second middle island; then use the hooks on the third island; ride the island down to access the fourth island; then ride the fourth island down to the exit.

The End 13

Strategy: When you trigger the breakable block, you will drop down towards the lower spike. Angle so you land on the platform to the right of the lower spike. You will notice the entire middle section starts to lower towards you. Quickly jump over the spikes and make your way to the second box. If you’re quick enough, you can make it to the exit. If not, avoid the single falling spike and jump on top of the now fallen middle section.

The End 14

Strategy: This level is basically all about hook jumps. Use the conveniently placed hooks to make your way down to the exit.

The End 15


Strategy: Jump over to the center island and wait as it begins to go lower. Standing on the edge (where the lower box is) jump to the top of the island. Run to the right and jump down to the exit.

The End 16

Strategy: The End 16 is all about speed. As soon as you start the level, the upper portion begins to lower. Quickly jump over the spikes until you reach the exit. If you go to slow, the exit gets blocked by spikes.

The End 17

Strategy: Like the previous level, this one is also all about speed. Luckily The End 17 is pretty easy to beat. Simply run and jump until you reach the exit. If you go to slow, the islands sink.

The End 18

Strategy: You need to utilize the hook as well as the breakable platforms in order to complete this level. Jump down onto the two square breakable platform and then jump to the hook. Wait on the hook until you are almost off the screen (platform lowers); then jump back to the nearest lower block. Immediately jump to the second low block and then back onto the island. Jump from the island to the hook and then up to the exit.

The End 19

Strategy: This level is similar to 18, but is based solely on the breakable platforms. The best approach here is to start from the bottom and quickly work your way up. There is a solid block on the second climb, so use this to take a breather. When ready, quickly climb each block until you make it to the exit.

The End 20

Strategy: Not much to say about level 20. All you really are doing is running and jumping. Avoid the falling spikes and you will be able to get to the exit easily. Once you’ve completed The End, you arrive in the next world, The Arid Flats.

The End – World Run Through Video

If My text guide failed you, take a look at this World Run through video I put together. This may help you visualize a bit more what my strategies were for completing each level in The End world.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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