The End is Nigh Guide

Up to this point, you have probably been feeling pretty good about your platforming abilities. Well Overflow introduces a bunch of new mechanics and environmental hazards and they are frustrating to say the least. Let’s dive into Overflow, the third world in The End is Nigh.

Overflow 1

Strategy: Drop down and swim to the right. Enjoy the easiness of this one.

Overflow 2

Strategy: Swim up, making sure to avoid the spikes; then jump/swim across the horizontal spike pit.

Overflow 3

Strategy:  Swimming is so nice isn’t it? Anyways, swim between the spikes to the far right platform. From the right platform, drop into the water and descend down to the exit. Watch out for the spike square as it does move.

Overflow 4

Strategy: Remember the spike ball level from Arid Flats? Same concept here, only we are swimming now instead of running. Not much to say in terms of strategy, besides avoid the spike! Oh and you can descend quickly using the right trigger (on controller).

Overflow 5

Strategy: There are two major dangers in this level: the first is all the spiked squares; the second is the constantly spawning skullfrogs. The spiked squares are easy enough to avoid, but pay extra special attention to the skullfrogs. They spawn in the same location every time, but will try to jump to where you are.

Overflow 6

Strategy: Level 6 is largely just simple platforming. Follow the arrows to make your way to the exit.

Overflow 7

Strategy: Ready to start bouncing on enemies to cross large distances? No? Well you’re gonna have to learn. In Overflow 7, there are two skullfrogs which jump up and down. You need to time your jump with theirs and bounce across the large gap.

Overflow 8

Strategy: Now the real fun begins. See this dirty looking water? Turns out it’s poison. That means when you go in it, you can only be under for a few seconds or you die. To counteract the poison, all you need to do is jump out of the water. To get to to exit, make your way across the large gap then dive and swim.

Overflow 9

Strategy: Poison water is pretty much here to stay now, which makes the next 11 levels fairly challenging. To conquer Overflow 9, all you want to do is stay near the surface as much as possible. Follow the route in the picture and you will be okay. For the pillar by the tumor, you can either jump over or dive under.

Overflow 10

Strategy: As soon as you enter Overflow 10, poison begins to rise from the bottom of the screen. This takes a few seconds, but should encourage to get a move on. What I did to clear this level, was follow the route pictured while staying near the top of the water. You will need to spam swim + jump.

Overflow 11

Strategy: Before I discuss my approach to this level, let me direct your attention to the spikey ceiling dudes. These enemies are annoying. When you jump, they drop to the bottom of the level. If you jump back, they rise to the top of the level. This can make platforming all the more annoying as it becomes yet another thing to watch for. Anyways, the basics for this level is using hook jumps over and over. I try to stay on the upper hooks when possible.

Overflow 12

Strategy: Overflow gives us a chance to learn the new enemies further. Jump to the hook then up to the platform. On the platform are four spiked enemies. As mentioned in Overflow 11, these enemies rise or fall depending on where they are. You can trigger them then jump over and run under.

Overflow 13

Strategy: Move quickly along the breakable blocks and this is fairly simple. Again watch out for the falling enemies here.

Overflow 14

Strategy: ANOTHER NEW CREATURE!! Yup. See those Koffing looking creatures? They emit a poisonous radius around which means we can’t hang around the area too long. Speed is key here and so is pathing. Try to run this room by staying as close to the poison ring edges as possible.

Overflow 15

Strategy: The key here is speed. You need to make it through the first pit section relatively fast or you will die in the poison. Once through this section, all you need to do is bounce off the creature and land near the exit.

Overflow 16

Strategy: It seems like you can’t cross this gap, but you actually can. We learn that these new Koffing – like creatures can be bounced on. The one in Overflow 16, moves from side to side, so use it in a similar fashion to the moving springs in The Arid Flats. Once you are close enough, jump to the hook and reach the exit.

Overflow 17

Strategy: Prepare yourself for a lot of jumping. Basically in this room, your goal is to head higher. This can be done by following the sketched path. You need to bounce of the Koffing creature in order to reach the higher level of platforms.

Overflow 18

Strategy: This is easily the hardest level in Overflow, as it relies on timing your jumps off of enemies. When you enter the room, you will see two Skullfrogs jumping in and out of the poison. The Skullfrog nearest you jumps short and soon the Skullfrog to the right. You want to jump off the near Skullfrog, bounce to the other Skullfrog, and then land on the platform. Once on the platform, turn around, wait for the Skullfrog to jump and then bounce to the bottom upper left platform. Use the hooks to reach the exit.

Overflow 19

Strategy: When you start Overflow 19, a cloud of poison immediately starts chasing you from the left of the screen. You need to quickly get to the hook; jump over the spikes; get to the breakable block; jump to the hook; jump to the other hook; use the hook to access the other hooks and then break the blocks to get to the exit. Good luck!

Overflow 20

Strategy: Where it looks like the creature is wearing a hat, there is actually two jumps to make there. Go into the poison water and up the right side of the first column. Use the creature to reach higher. Quickly jump from the first creature to the next and then drop into the exit.

Overflow – World Run Through Video

If My text guide failed you, take a look at this World Run through video I put together. This may help you visualize a bit more what my strategies were for completing each level in Overflow world.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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