The End is Nigh Guide

Welcome to the SS Exodus or in other terms, the hardest world we’ve faced so far. The SS Exodus pays homage to Super Mario Battleships of old and I found this to be pretty cool. Let’s get through the SS Exodus and grab our friends body!

SS Exodus 1

Strategy: Dodge the cannonballs, and jump over the spike pits.

SS Exodus 2

Strategy: The major puzzle here is jumping off the cannonballs. This basically comes down to timing. The closer you get to the cannons, the easier this process becomes. In total you will bounce off the cannonballs twice to reach the exit.

SS Exodus 3

Strategy: Use the springs to cross the room while dodging the cannonballs that are being fired. Jump up and drop down into the lower exit (we come back to this room up top).

SS Exodus 4

Strategy: Use the lower moving platforms to make it over to the hook on the right. Wait for the spiked section to return to its hole then jump up and over to the second hook. Jump up to next hook and repeat the process to reach the upper area with the exit.

SS Exodus 5

Strategy: Use the hooks on the left side of the level to access the floating blocks above. Use the blocks to cross the level (watch out for the spiked balls).

SS Exodus 6

Strategy: SS Exodus 6 is a two part room the first part involves climbing the moving blocks along the right wall and then ground pounding the floor. You will need to dodge bullets fired from the two guns in this room (fixed path shots). The second part you access a bit later and requires using the small block to cross over the upper portion of the level.

SS Exodus 7

Strategy: In SS Exodus there are two guns firing in rhythm. Between each shot is a chance to jump and make your way towards the entrance. As you move closer to the guns, you need to adjust your hop timing.

SS Exodus 8

Strategy: There is a bottom row of guns moving horizontally in this room. They fire in rhythm. You need to avoid the shots while using the floating blocks to reach the upper exit.

SS Exodus 9

Strategy: The blocks in this room work similar to the blocks in Golgotha. When you run under them, they smash to the ground. The difference with these blocks is that after they hit the ground, the slowly return to their original position. Run past the first two blocks. On the third block, you want to trigger it then move out of the way. Jump on top the block when it smashes the ground then ride it up to the higher platform.

SS Exodus 10

Strategy: There are two blocks in this room. The first (top left) you bait out and then run past while it is resetting (returning to position). The second block you trigger and then wait for it to reset about half-way and then you run past.

SS Exodus 11

Strategy: Bait the first block with a ledge grab. Jump on top and then move to the right ledge as you ride it. After the vertical block smashes to the ground, transfer over to that block and ride it up to the exit.

SS Exodus 12

Strategy: Avoid the bullets as you make your way up to the moving platforms. Jump on the moving platforms and avoid the spiked balls.

SS Exodus 13

Strategy: Another two part level. Part one requires using the platforms to ground pound the floor. Part 2 requires simply climbing up the hooks on the walls.

SS Exodus 14

Strategy: One of the more frustrating rooms in SS Exodus. In this room there are two guns. Unlike other guns up to this point, these guns aren’t fixed and will essentially aim where you last jumped. This can make the sequence frustrating. Your best bet is to mix up your jumps between baby and full to get through to the exit.

SS Exodus 15

Strategy: Jump to the bottom moving platform and ride it to the right. Get on the upper platform and ride it to the left. Make your way up to the moving platforms and head to the right. Do all of this while being shot at by the moving gun platforms at the top of the screen.

SS Exodus 16

Strategy: Use the platforms and springs to cross the room and reach the gun platforms. Jump up the gun platforms to the exit.

SS Exodus 17


Strategy: Bait out the first block and jump on top. Continue to do this for each of the next three blocks. Jump to the hook and then get on top of the far right block. Ride it up to the exit.

SS Exodus 18

Strategy: Avoid the bullets and use the moving platforms to make your way to the hooks in the upper right. Take the hooks up to the exit.

SS Exodus 19

Strategy: Bait out the bottom block to the right side and get on top of it. Ride the block back to the left. Bait out the upper block and get on top of it. Use the block to access the hook and the exit.

SS Exodus 20

Strategy:  Run down the hallway. 

SS Exodus 21

Strategy: Time your jump so you double bounce off of two cannonballs to get across the gap.

SS Exodus – World Run Through

If My text guide failed you, take a look at this World Run through video I put together. This may help you visualize a bit more what my strategies were for completing each level in SS Exodus.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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