The End is Nigh All Tumors and Mega Tumors Guide

SS Exodus 11: 1 Tumor

Strategy: Bait out the horizontal block by ledge hanging. Jump to the block when it is near and ledge hang to the left. When the vertical block falls, jump to the hook on the lower right side. You’ll grab the tumor.

SS Exodus 12: 1 Tumor + 1 Mega Tumor

Strategy: Head into SS Exodus 12 from the left. Use the moving platformers to grab the tumor as it floats by.


Mega Tumor: Climb the right wall all the way up in SS Exodus 12 to get to this Mega Tumor.

SS Exodus 13: 1 Tumor + 1 Mega Tumor

Strategy: Use the moving platforms to grab this tumor.


Mega Tumor: To reach this Mega Tumor, jump between where the platforms come out in SS Exodus 13.

SS Exodus 14: 1 Tumor

Strategy: This tumor is fairly easy to grab. As you avoid the guns, grab the tumor on your way to the exit.

SS Exodus 15: 1 Tumor + 1 Mega Tumor

Strategy: Avoid the guns and jump to the upper moving platforms. Grab the tumor by jumping down.


Mega Tumor: Make your way to the very top right platform to access the Mega Tumor in this area.

SS Exodus 16: 1 Tumor

Strategy: The tumor in SS Exodus 16 is located on the bottom right. Avoid the gunfire and jump from platform to platform. Mini bounce off the spring and land on the moving platforms to grab the tumor.

SS Exodus 17: 1 Tumor

Strategy: Bait each block out to make your way across the room. On the fourth block, jump up and grab the tumor.

SS Exodus 18: 1 Tumor

Strategy: Jump along the moving platforms and then use the spring to jump to the tumor. The key here is timing to avoid both the shots and the platforms at the bottom.

SS Exodus 19: 1 Tumor

Strategy: Bait out the bottom block and ride it to the left. When you are at the left wall, bait out the top block and ride it over to near the tumor. Jump off the block to grab the tumor.

SS Exodus 21: 1 Tumor

Strategy: From the top left, jump and bounce off the cannonball that comes your way. Bounce towards the tumor to grab it and bounce again to cross to the other side.


This The End is Nigh all Tumors and Mega Tumors guide continues on the next page. Any questions or comments? Drop them in The Pit below.



Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

3 responses

  1. Ethylan says:

    Il you lose all your tumors, it’s Game Over. And you start again the world

  2. Salvador says:

    What happens if you get out of tumors on the second portion?

    • enricofairme says:

      Do you mean The Future? Essentially they act as lives, so if I die on Anguish 15 and use up all my tumors, I start the world again at Anguish 1.

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