The Weekly Reset #3 – Wes Anderson Takes Us To The Isle of Dogs, 2K Loves VC, and Tomb Raider Movie Drops a Trailer

Hello Resetors! Another week is in the books here at the HTR offices, and that means it’s time for The Weekly Reset. If you don’t know, The Weekly Reset is a quick look back at some of the more noteworthy posts put up on Hold to Reset through the previous week. Last week (September 18 – 24, 2017), there was quite a bit of film news and some interesting videogame stories to cover. For film news, we received a trailer for Wes Anderson’s Isle of Dogs (which looks good), and we also got a trailer for the new Tomb Raider movie (which looks bad). Videogame wise, I finally got around to reviewing NBA 2K18, while CaptClue took a look at the Absolver update 1.06 (new masks hype!). Check out The Weekly Reset below.

Wes Anderson’s Isle of Dogs Gets a Trailer

The Weekly Reset

If you’re a fan of Wes Anderson, you received a nice treat last week in the form of a Isle of Dogs trailer. Resident film expert (and Wes – head), FilmApe took a look at the trailer, and it’s clear he is pretty excited. Let’s just say that FilmApe drops terms like “love”, “gushing”, “fanboy”, and “great trailer”, in his look at the upcoming work by Wes Anderson.

NBA 2K18 Looks To Slam Dunk Your Wallet

The Weekly Reset

That sweet, sweet, life giving VC.

Having played NBA 2K18 since the early release, I’ve had a chance to really deep dive into the game (about 40+ hours). All I can really say of my experience is that 2K wants to get into your wallet. The pervasiveness of microtransactions really hinders the overall basketball experience and definitely left a sour taste in my mouth. For more thoughts on the realness of the NBA 2K18 VC sales funnel, checkout my NBA 2K18 review here.

The Tomb Raider Movie Gets a Trailer

The Weekly Reset

I have some experience in watching videogame movies, so I consider myself a bit of an expert on the subject. Of the many videogame based movies I’ve watched, none have been all that good. In keeping with videogame to movie tradition, the new trailer for the Tomb Raider makes the movie look pretty bad. If you want to take a peek yourself, head on over to our look at the trailer.

Absolver 1.06 Update Brings New Masks

The Weekly Reset

Resident Absolver, CaptClue took a look at the new Absolver 1.06 update this past week. In his article, he mentioned the inclusion of a bunch of new Absolver Masks that are accessible to all players! With that being said, I have it on good authority that CaptClue hasn’t even tried any of them on yet…

What’s On The Slab

The Weekly Reset

As it was a bit of a light week, I figured I would highlight a bit of what’s to come this upcoming week. The major upcoming release for me is Cuphead on Friday (29th), which means you can expect a review, guides, and whatever else I feel like making. Alongside Cuphead, I will try to keep you updated on other news this week.

Thoughts on The Weekly Reset? Let me know in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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