Titanfall 2 Releases Meet the Titans Trailer

Respawn Entertainment has released new Meet the Titans footage for their upcoming mech/shooter hybrid Titanfall 2. For those of you who have played Titanfall, while a fun game, the Titans themselves lacked a sort of depth that many had hoped for in the mech combat. If this new footage is anything to go off, it appears Respawn has dived a bit deeper into Titan game play. In Meet the Titans, we are introduced to six of the new Titans: Tone, Northstar, Legion, Ronin, Ion, and Scorch. Each Titan appears to play a bit differently then the other.

Legion: Has a chain-gun and appears to be able to impale other Titans on it. Respawn says that Legion’s gun, the Predator Cannon features two types of ammunition for both short and long range combat.

Ronin: Grenade Launcher, cloaking and a sword. Can phase walk. Hit and run specialist.

Northstar: Rail-gun(?), Missile launchers and a jet-pack of some kind.

Ion: Literally lasers coming out of everywhere.

Scorch: Appears to be a brawler. Can send out different flame shockwaves by hitting the ground.

Tone: has seeking missiles. Aside from that looks pretty standard.

Alongside the new Titan classes is also the inclusion of customisation in Titan Warpaint, Nose paint and call signs. This sort of customisation seems like a no brainer from Respawn and was sorely missed in the original Titanfall. No longer will players have to run around in the same looking mechs.

Players will be able to get their hands on the new Titans relatively soon as Titanfall 2 is set to release on October 28, 2016, for the PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox one. If you are a fan Titanfall, it is important to note that Titanfall 2 will include a single player campaign, so get excited for some sweet Titan and Pilot drama.

Are you excited for Titanfall 2? Like what you see of the new Titans? Let me know in the Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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