Top 10 Most Iconic Video Game Weapons Ever

5. Fallout: Fat Man

Incredible video game weapons

It’s hard not to see similarities between the BFG9000 and the Fat Man. Both guns are big, hulking weapons which lay waste to any enemies that get in the one. Where the similarities stop is how each weapon fits into their prospective worlds. Doom’s approach to weaponry is simply to throw ridiculous designed guns at players. Fallout on the other hand, chooses to provide some integration into the world around the player. The Fat Man fits so well in the post – apocalyptic worlds the series’ developers create. Couple together the Fat Man’s design, fandom for the Fallout series, and the nod towards the actual Fat Man atomic bomb and you have the recipe for an iconic piece of video game weaponry.

4. Final Fantasy VII: Buster Sword

Best video game weapons ever

Final Fantasy has been around since the dawn of man (or feels that way at least), and with it has come a plethora of weapons. It was pretty hard to narrow down ‘the one’, but I think the Buster Sword is probably it (sorry Gunblade). Appearing in Final Fantasy VII, the Buster Sword was comically large, appearing to dwarf Cloud Strife, the character wielding it. Couple the immense size of the sword, with the iconic pose pictured above, and you can easily see why gamer’s love this weapon.

3. Goldeneye: Golden Gun

The most iconic game weapons ever

It seems strange to put the Golden Gun on this list, but I think it works. For those that don’t know, the Golden Gun was pulled directly from the Roger Moore Bond, The Man With the Golden Gun. In the film, Francisco Scaramanga (Christopher Lee), who is a master assassin, wields a Golden Gun because he’s a boss. That’s literally all there was to the Golden Gun until Goldeneye came along.

Goldeneye introduced a new generation to James Bond. One way they did this was including nostalgic weapons from movies of the past. The Golden Gun made it into Goldeneye and became the most popular. Do you want to know why? Because getting the Golden Gun meant a one hit kill on opponents. By being the most powerful weapon in Goldeneye, the Golden Gun instantly became iconic in the eyes of gamers.

2. The Legend of Zelda: Master Sword

Top ten Most Iconic Video Game Weapons Ever

This may be disappointing to some, but the top two spots are occupied by Nintendo games. Taking the second spot is The Legend of Zelda’s Master Sword. When one thinks of iconic weapons, it is very hard to ignore the Master Sword. Link, when faced with seemingly insurmountable odds, get his hands on the Master Sword and things quickly shift in his favor. While seemingly only a plain sword, the amount of lore and notoriety around the Master Sword makes it pretty hard to have never heard of. In most Legend of Zelda games there are always constants and the Master Sword is one of them.

1. Super Mario: Fire Flower

Top 10 Most Iconic Video Game Weapons Ever

If you asked someone who has never played a video game before or is a casual gamer to name a weapon from video games, I’m pretty confident it would be something from Mario. While I grappled with including a Mushroom on this list, I feel the Fire Flower is probably the most iconic weapon in Mario and gaming in general.

The Fire Flower has a deep history spanning many games and a visually memorable transformation when Mario wields the fiery power. There’s also the fact that you become an Italian plumber who is throwing fireballs which helps the cause. These three components mix to make the Fire Flower the most iconic weapon in video games.

So many great weapons to choose from, but only one can be number one. I had a ton of fun creating this list and hope you enjoyed reading it. Here’s hoping that the future holds new, iconic weapons that can knock some of these oldies of the list. As always, thanks for reading!

What did you think of my top 10 most iconic video game weapons ever? What do you consider to be iconic? Let me know in the Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

2 responses

  1. CaptClue says:

    Top ten movie adaptations. Nuff said

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