Twitch Tuesday: LobosJR

In case you didn’t know, I love the Dark Souls series. Given this information it makes sense that I like watching good Dark Souls players on Twitch. LobosJR is what I would consider one of these good Dark Souls players. Lobos is so good at Dark Souls I am actually jealous of how good he is. Lucky for us LobosJR streams on Twitch which means we can watch and get jealous together.


I can’t really remember how I stumbled onto LoboJR’s channel, but I’m glad I did. LobosJR has done some of the more entertaining challenge runs I have seen within the Dark Souls community. Basically if you can think it, Lobos has done it in some form. Arguably his most infamous Dark Souls run was the meme ‘One Punch Man‘ run which basically involved using Cheat engine to make himself the equivalent of Saitama. Absurd runs like this are part of what makes LobosJR streams so fun.

The other part of the stream is LobosJR. Having been a streamer since the early days, LobosJR has been livestreaming for a while now. With all this experience comes a familiarity to streaming which is nice. Lobos appears to be really comfortable streaming and this shows during his streams. There is good chat interaction and a tight knit community of viewers.

Recently LobosJR has broadened his palette of game offerings which is a welcome change. You can expect to see new releases as well as some staples like Overwatch. LobroSouls (which involves Lobo’s brother playing through the series) is another really fun stream day and is a must watch for fans of the Dark Souls series. LobosJR typically streams during the day and for often extended periods of time which means you can easily catch his stream.

See more Twitch Tuesday here.

Twitch Tuesday is a monthly post which highlights Twitch streamers I follow and enjoy watching. If you don’t know what Twitch is, go here


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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