Unworthy Walkthrough

When you start Unworthy, you watch a brief cutscene explaining the origin of your character. After the cutscene you gain control of the main character in what seems to be Purgatory. Here you begin your journey into Unworthy.

When you take control of the character, head to the next room to the right. In the second room of  you will face off against 3x Wanderer, these slow lumbering enemies can be easily dispatched by keeping a safe distance from them between chain swings. Killing all three Wanderers in this room gives you some experience as well as Sin. Continue heading right and you will reach a ladder. Go up the ladder and into the next area.

In this room you need to dispatch the Wanderer, climb the ladder, and then roll under the environmental trap.

In the next room you will notice one Wanderer and an environmental trap (fireball). Take out the Wanderer and head up the ladder on the right side of the room. Since there is no jumping in Unworthy, you need to roll under the fireball to keep it from hitting you. Once you’ve done this, the trap will stop and you can head to the next area on the right.

When you enter this next room you are greeted by a large gap between platforms. Roll across the gap to make it.

In the next room you will see a ladder leading down, a raised platform (which you are standing on), and a lower ledge to the right. Roll off the raised platform onto the lower right platform. If you fail, use the ladder to climb back up to the raised platform and try again. Head up the ladder on the right and take out the Wanderer while heading to the ladder to the left. Walk to the right until you are standing on an elevator. Activate it and head right into the next room.

Activate the lever in this room and then ride the elevator up to the ladder.

When you enter this next room, you need to pull the lever in front of you and then walk onto the platform which lowers. Walk onto the platform, activate it, and then ride it up to gain access to the ladder on the right. Head up the ladder into the next room.

Walk left through the fake wall to make your way to the next room.

As you make your way up the ladder into the next room, you will notice a Wanderer walking around near the top of the ladder. Wait for it to pass, climb up, and take it out. Head to the left and walk through the fake wall in the picture above. Continue walking left and you will come across another Wanderer. Kill it and leave this area.

Unworthy walkthrough guide

Head up the ladder on the left side of the room and use the elevator on the center platform to reach the surface.

In the last area, all you need to do is walk to the ladder on the left, climb up it, and activate the elevator. When you ride the elevator up to the surface it will trigger some story elements. When you awake on the surface you will be in an area called The Boneyard.

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Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

2 responses

  1. Aidan says:

    Equality doesn’t work for me.

  2. Aidan says:

    Equality doesn’t work fro me.

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