Unworthy Walkthrough

When you return to the surface, you awaken in an area called The Boneyard. The character you take control of is a warrior who wields a sword and shield combo instead of the chains found in the Purgatory/tutorial area. Below you will find a guide to The Boneyard, including the locations of items and vendors.

The Boneyard Guide

Upon returning to the surface, you take control of a warrior. The first area is pretty dead (literally a graveyard), so make your way to the right and talk with the Shepherd if you want some lore. When you are done, head past the Shepherd and make your way into the next area.

In the next area, the only direction you can go is right. Head to the right and you will encounter a couple of new enemies. The Crossbow is a ranged enemy which shoots bolts at you; the Halberd wields a Halberd and can strike from a distance. Both enemies are fairly simple to deal with, but may require some patience to kill. Remember to utilize rolling as much as possible. Once they are dealt with, continue heading right until you reach an elevator. Head up the elevator and into the next area.

In the next room you will immediately be greeted by a Halbred and a Crossbow. Try to defeat both enemies while staying near the entrance you came in, because there is another Crossbow further right which can really make this sequence an issue. Once you’ve killed all three enemies, continue right and you will come to an elevator. Ride the Elevator down and head into the next area.

At the entrance to the next area there is an NPC you can speak to with some lore. Talk with the NPC then continue heading to the right. Eventually you will come to a Kiln. Kilns are Unworthy’s checkpoint system. Brand at the Kiln to save your game, refresh the world (enemies return), and restock on Soulflame Essence. I highly recommend that you Brand here before moving on. Once ready, head past the elevator (takes you down Throat of Despair to Catacombs of Ur) and continue right until you reach the next area.

In the area next to the Kiln, you will come across a number of Halberd wielders. There are a total of four enemies in the area, with two near the entrance and one on each elevator. Once you’ve dispatched the two Halberds at the entrance, continue right and call the elevator down. Ride the elevator up and kill the Halberd waiting up top for you. Continue right across the bridge and call the elevator down (there will be a Halberd on the elevator). Ride the elevator down and continue right into the next area.

The next area is fairly straightforward. Head right and destroy the logs blocking your way. Continue making your way right until you reach the next area.

Grab the Kiln in this area and continue on to the right to the next area with an elevator and floating item. Grab the floating item to get the Map Parchment which shows area you’ve previously visited (very useful). When done with that, jump onto the elevator and head down into Forgotten Pass.

In Forgotten Pass, make your way to the right to the next area. Take out the three Halberds in this next room and continue right until you reach an elevator. Take the elevator up into the Cradle of Death.

Talk to the Gravekeeper (Plato)* NPC here to get a bit of lore (becomes a merchant after defeating first boss). Once done, make your way to the right to the first boss fight in Unworthy, Sveht, Devourer of Light.

Boss Fight: Sveht, Devourer of Light

Grimoire: “Sveht, or the Fallen Father, was the first and only council member to have ascended. Banished and abandoned, Sveht became a parasitic devourer of the light he once swore to serve.”

The first boss in Unworthy is fairly straightforward to fight. Like many games, Unworthy has you fight a lumbering giant, who is slow moving, but packs a serious punch. Luckily for us, Sveht has a fairly simple moveset which can be learned and abused for an easy victory. The major thing to watch out for in this fight is Sveht’s ability to cause burn damage to you. Burn does damage over time until you roll or it runs out.

  • Sword Swing: Sveht swings it’s sword vertically. Watch for a long wind up. This move can be easily dodged with a roll.
  • Dead Hands: Sends out dead hands that move horizontally across the arena floor. Can be dodged with a roll. Tell is when Sveht raises its hand in the air.
  • Flame Explosion (Phase 2 – 66% health): A flame appears by Sveht’s shoulder which triggers a big explosion around Sveht’s feet. This attack usually follows the vertical sword swing. You know when this attack is coming, as the flame appears before it occurs.
  • Flaming Sword (Phase 3 – 33%): Vertical sword swing attack now has a flame on it which can deal burn damage. Seems to occur after a Flame Explosion.
  • Thrown Fire (very rare): If you stay away from Sveht, he will throw fire at you which causes an explosion and burn damage. This attack is fairly rare it seems.

Once you’ve defeated Sveht, you will unlock the Council Lantern relic which emits light (and gives you a special jump attack), 1125 Sin, and the achievement Gentle Giant. Interact with the Kiln in Sveht’s arena and then make your way back to the elevator that leads down to the Catacomb of Ur.

*Merchant: Gravekeeper Plato

After you’ve defeated Sveht, you can return to the Gravekeeper and talk to him for some new dialogue. Once you’ve exhausted all dialougue, the Gravekeeper will become a merchant with a few things for sale. Important items he sells includes the Oshikorosu halberd and the Soulflame Essence. For a complete look at what he has for sale, check out the list below.

  • Rotting Flesh
  • Bone Dart
  • Essence of Altus
  • Soulflame Essence
  • Old Gravekeeper’s key
  • Oshikorosu

Hammerable Wall

After you’ve defeated the second boss in Unworthy, you receive a hammer which can break certain walls. On wall is located along the Forgotten Pass. If you feel like it, back track to the location on the map above and bust open the wall. Head inside and take the elevator down. Talk to Death and answer with “Equality”. The door will open and you can go inside to grab the Jas Rune.

Thoughts on this Unworthy walkthrough guide? Let use hear them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

2 responses

  1. Aidan says:

    Equality doesn’t work for me.

  2. Aidan says:

    Equality doesn’t work fro me.

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