Unworthy Walkthrough

After making your way down the elevator through Throat of Despair, you will arrive in a new area called the Catacombs of Ur. This area is to dark to traverse initially, but can explored now that we have the Council Lantern relic from killing Sveht.

Catacombs of Ur Guide

In the first area of the Catacombs of Ur, you will immediately be met by a new enemy called the Dark Lurker. This half-spider/half-woman hybrid is a bit tougher than other enemies we’ve faced up to this point, so be cautious. Before making your way to the left side of the room (which is where we need to go), head right until you reach a Kiln in the next room. Activate the Kiln and back track left, past the elevator you came down on and into the next area.

In this room you will face off against another Dark Lurker as well as an Absolved (single ranged fireball shot basically). Once both enemies are dealt with, make your way to the left and get on the elevator. Take the elevator up into the next room.

When you arrive in the next room, you may get attacked by a Dark Lurker coming from the right wall of the room. Defeat it and head through the illusory wall into the small alcove to get Rotten Flesh. Once you’ve grab this item, head left until you reach the next room. There’s nothing of real interest in this room besides the elevator. When ready, take it down into the lower area.

In the lower area you will need to go down a couple of ladders to reach the lower level. This room is a bit of a pain to complete as there are a ton of enemies including Absolved and a Dark Lurker. Your best approach is to trigger the Absolved to turn into fireballs; roll them; and then move on to the next platform. When you climb down the third (final) ladder, you will face off against a single Dark Lurker. Defeat it and move onto the next room to the right.

In this room you will face a single Dark Lurker along with three Absolved. Try to defeat the Dark Lurker on the left side of the room to avoid triggering the Absolved that are further in. Once the Dark Lurker is taken care of, simply trigger the remaining Absolved and roll to avoid them. Head right until you reach an elevator and take it down.

Before you do anything in this next room, immediately head to the left and grab the Kiln in the next room. Also be sure to grab the Aur Rune behind the illusory wall beneath the ladder for a nice little damage boost (at the cost of stamina). Once you’ve done this, return to the room with the elevator (and three Absolved) and head to the right.

In this room you want to make your way down the ladders littered around the room in order to head right at the bottom level. While you are doing this, watch out for the many Absolved and Dark Lurkers littered around on each platform. Once you do make it to the bottom head to the right into the next room (ignore the left area for now).

This next room features a couple of Dark Lurker enemies and an item with a ladder leading down to it. Ignore the item for now and deal with the Dark Lurkers. Continue heading to the right and you will eventually reach the third Kiln as well as a shortcut back to the entrance of the Catacombs of Ur.

In the room with the third Kiln, you will notice and NPC and Elevator. The elevator takes you back to the first Kiln we lit at the entrance of the Catacombs. Speak with the NPC for a bit of lore and then grab the Kiln. If you have 3500 Sin I recommend returning to Gravekeeper Plato to purchase another flask of Soulflame Essence. Regardless of what you  do, you will need to head right to the next area after the room with the third Kiln (ignore the ladder down).

The next two rooms are fairly straightforward. In the first room, you will face off against two Dark Lurkers, kill them and head right until you reach an elevator. Go up the elevator into the next room. In the next room, there are two more Dark Lurkers to fight. Dispose of them and head to the right. You will reach a ladder down and an Essence of Altus. Grab the Essence of Altus and head down the ladder to a Kiln room. From here, continue heading right until your reach the area called Hallow Foundry. In the first room of Hallow Foundry is the next boss fight.

Boss Fight: Narcoss, the Anvil

Grimoire: “Narcoss, revered as the father of the art of blacksmithy, is said to have come from a foreign land. With unrivaled skill, it was he who was charged with the construction of Sacred Kilns when the filth first spread.”

Narcoss, the Anvil is located in the first room of Hallow Foundry. This Blacksmith enemy is not to happy to see you, and will attack you when you enter the room. Narcoss is a bit different of a battle than Sveht, as he is much more mobile (can roll). With that said, if you watch Narcoss’ attacks, you should notice there’s a very blatant pattern to them. Let’s take a look at Narcoss’ attacks:

  • Vertical Hammer Slam: Slow wind up for a vertical hammer slam. This attack is pretty easy to punish as Narcoss’ back is exposed.
  • Roll into Horizontal Slash: Narcoss rolls and then charges up for an offhand horizontal slash.
  • Horizontal Slash: Same attack as the roll+slash, but used as a follow up after a vertical hammer slam.
  • Ground Pound with Shockwave: Pauses, raises hammer in the air and smashes it into the ground. This emits a shockwave that travels in both left and right directions on the ground.
  • Shockwave: With about a quarter of health left, Narcoss with start adding shockwaves to his Vertical hammer slam.

For defeating Narcoss, you will receive the Hammer of Unmaking, 2540 Sin, and the Unmade achievement. There are a couple breakable things you can do in Catacombs, but most of them are further into the game. I’ve listed them below. If you wish to skip them for now, continue into Hallow Foundry by breaking the wall to the right in the Narcoss boss arena.

Hammer Breakable Things in Catacomb

With the Hammer of Unmaking equipped, we can destroy certain walls which gives us access to a couple of things in the Catacombs. Not everything listed below is available at this moment.

Breakable Wall for BRZ Rune:

Break the wall in the room to the left of the one shown in the map above. Head inside the room and keep walking until you pass through an illusory wall. You will get the Brz Rune which increases stamina by 15%.

Ladder down in third Kiln room:

Head down to the third Kiln room in the Catacombs (see map) and make you way to the bottom right of the room. Use the hammer to bust open the wall here to reveal a locked door. To unlock this door, you need to purchase the Gravekeeper’s Key from Plato for 10G Sin. Once you have the key open the door and head inside. This takes you to The Caverns area.

Sentinel Shield:

Head to the lower left area which we avoided on our way to Narcoss (see map). The reason we avoided this area was due to a large Shielded Sentinel which is blocking the way. Using the Hammer, we can break the shield and get past. For now, head up to the upper left exit and grab the Spire Dungeon Key. The bottom left and right exits, lead to new areas we can’t do much with at this point.

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Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

2 responses

  1. Aidan says:

    Equality doesn’t work for me.

  2. Aidan says:

    Equality doesn’t work fro me.

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