Very Good Boy Weapon Mod – Remnant From the Ashes

Remnant From the Ashes received a pre-patch update ahead of the launch of the final piece of DLC content called Subject 2923. In this pre-patch update Gunfire Games dropped a few little treats including one centering around the ‘good boy’ in Rhom. If you want to unlock this treat continue reading to learn how to get the Very Good Boy weapon mod.

Pet the Good Boy on Rhom

Image showing how to get the Very Good Boy weapon mod in Remnant From the Ashes.

To get the Very Good Boy weapon mod you will need to roll Rhom until you get the Wasteland Merchant checkpoint to spawn. Once this location is spawned head there and go up to the dog next to the merchant. You will get a prompt that allows your character to pet the dog. When you pet the dog for the first time you will unlock the Very Good Boy weapon mod.

Like other weapon mods in the game you can place this mod onto any gun that has an empty mod slot. When you do equip the Very Good Boy weapon mod you will unlock the following active ability:

“Summons a VERY GOOD BOY that deals 80 damage per bit. Pet the dog to increase his damage dealt by 5% for 60 seconds. Lasts 72 seconds. (Max 1).”

That’s all you need to know to get the Very Good Boy weapon mod for yourself. This weapon mod is fairly easy to unlock you just need to ensure the Rhom you roll has the crashed ship on it which houses the merchant. Once there it is just a matter of petting the dog.

Thoughts on our Very Good Boy weapon mod guide? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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