The Weekly Reset #20 – Gleaner Heights Looks Dark and Rambling

Happy NBA All-Star weekend everyone. If like me you watched the weekend festivities, you are probably pretty disappointed in how bad pretty much every event. Let’s hope Team Lebron and Team Steph can make things competitive (probably not). Anyways, this ain’t no sports site, so let’s get back to vidya games. Last week I basically played a bunch of Kingdom Come Deliverance and Monster Hunter World. That was about it. I did take a break from those titles to put up a piece about upcoming indie Gleaner Heights, which looks promising. Since it’s a light Weekly Reset, I’d figure I would ramble a bit, because why not?

Gleaner Heights is Taking Farming Sims to a Dark Place

My body is ready for Gleaner Heights.

When I was cruising Twitter, I saw this title pop up and was intrigued. After doing a little digging, I figured Gleaner Heights would be a perfect title to cover with a What is That?, so that’s exactly what I did. For a quick introduction, the game is essentially Stardew Valley with a mix of Twin Peaks thrown in for good measure. What makes things even more exciting is that Gleaner Heights drops this week (Wednesday to be exact). To read more about this indie title, check out the post here.


I figured I would ramble a bit, as I have a few topics I want to touch on anyways. If you’re not interested in my rambling, jump below to see what’s on the slab for the upcoming week. If you don’t know, it rhymes with creamer whites.

2018 Gaming so Far

2018 has already started with a bang. While we are only midway through February, we’ve gotten two major titles (Monster Hunter: World and Kingdom Come: Deliverance), which are both packed with hours and hours of gameplay. You could buy both of these games and be set for gaming in 2018. With such a strong start to the year, I’m excited for what’s to come. We haven’t even hit the “a AAA title is launching every week” stage and things are already in a great place for gamers.

I Watched The Square

At the recommendation of FilmApe, I checked out Ruben Östlund’s The Square. I was pleasantly surprised with how funny/fun the film is while still seriously examining many aspects of society at large. Having not seen previous Östlund films, I went into this pretty blind and would highly suggest giving it a watch, even if its just to see the “Terry Notary Scene”. 

Anime to Sink My Teeth Into

I enjoy a good anime series, but can be pretty particular in what I like to watch. Since I am often picky, I find it hard to dive into a new series. I watched Kakegurui, which was pretty meh and found myself diving back into Sword Art Online. My question to you, Hold To Reset reader, is what anime are you watching? Give me suggestions!

On The Slab – Gleaner Heights

My body is ready for Gleaner Heights.

Indie farming simulation with dark undertones… YES PLEASE. I like indie games and I like farming games so I will be playing Gleaner Heights on Wednesday. I’ll do the usual coverage including guides, a review as well as videos on HTR’s YouTube. Besides Gleaner Heights, it’s a pretty light week and will stay like that for at least a few weeks until March. To see everything else releasing this week, check out the weekly upcoming games post.

That’s all for the Weekly Reset, have a good week. Drop some comments in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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