What is That? Agony Takes Us to Hell

Agony. Just the title word alone makes one think of experiencing pain and suffering. Madmind Studios is attempting to bring agony to consoles and pcs everywhere with their upcoming horror game, Agony. As this is a What is That? segment, let’s dive deeper into Agony!

About Agony


If you read my recent Blasphemous article, you may have noticed that I like twisted things. Agony appears to be catering to this interest. Demons, check. Being in Hell, check. Controlling demons, check. Demon Succubus, check. While I could continue my checklist on what I’ve seen that I dig, I’ll just say Agony looks promising. For more indepth information about the game let’s hit the the game’s Steam page:

You will begin your journey as a tormented soul within the depths of hell, without any memories about your past.

The special ability to control people on your path, and even possess simple minded demons, gives you the necessary measures to survive in the extreme conditions you are in.

By exploring the hostile environment and interacting with other weary souls of the hellscape, the hero will soon understand that there is only one way to escape from Hell, and it will require meeting the mystical Red Goddess. (Source)

Everything I’ve seen about Agony so far has looked interesting, but I think added emphasis needs to be placed on how interesting the environments look. As it the game is set in Hell, it is to be expected that there will be fire and brimstone and all that jazz, but things like the gnarled forest put an interesting twist on what could quickly become repetitive environmental design. Currently everything about Agony is hitting some sweet spots for me. Here’s hoping the game is actually good on release.

Agony Gameplay


More What is that? Here


How do you think Agony looks? Let me know in the Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

2 responses

  1. Ham Fiddler says:

    Those demon nips had you snared in the first 15 seconds. Everything after that was pure gravy

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