What is That? Indie Title Littlewood Tasks You With Rebuilding

Ever wondered what happens after you complete your favorite RPG? What happens to the towns that were destroyed? Littlewood, an upcoming indie title out of developer Sean Young and publisher SmashGames aims to answer this question. Let’s take a closer look below.

What is Littlewood?

Image displaying the Littlewood logo
Image via Sean Young/SmashGames.

Production of Littlewood started in 2017 with Sean Young working on the title. After a year and a half of development, Sean took the game to Kickstarter to raise $2K. During the Kickstarter run Littlewood went on to secure a staggering $82K. So how does a game greatly exceed its initial funding goal? Well, Littlewood aims to put an interesting spin on the classic RPG formula.

Screenshot from the game’s demo.

In Littlewood players take control after the world of Solemn has been saved from the Dark Wizard. While peace has returned to the land, there is a great need for rebuilding. This is where you come in. As a resident of Solemn you will need to rebuild the town of Littlewood. This rebuilding occurs using a number of different systems including:

  • Harvesting resources.
  • Gathering rare materials.
  • Unlocking new town buildings.
  • Trading.
  • Exploring.
  • And more.

What really makes this title appear unique is the ability to create your own town. While wandering around Littlewood you can access building mode through which you can build new buildings, create new pathways, and place other items to make your town unique.

Image showing some of the townsfolk in Littlewood.
Here are some of the townsfolk in Littlewood. Image vis Sean Young/SmashGames.

As you develop your town more townsfolk will appear. These townsfolk will ask for your help in completing quests, accept gifts from you, become marriage candidates, and help you unlock memories of your past. As of writing there appears to be a ton of townsfolk in the game.

Of what I’ve seen and played of Littlewood it appears to be a really relaxing title. Seeing as Sean mentions his inspirations as being Animal Crossing, Dark Cloud, and Runescape (2007), it is clear that this game is being designed with relaxation and fun in mind.

Littlewood is slated for release in early access on Steam on June 18. The game is being ported to Nintendo Switch, but no release date has been given at this time. If you want to try the game out, there is a demo available on the game’s Kickstarter page.

This post is part of our What is That? segment which highlights games you may have missed or not yet heard of. You can check out more of our What is That? pieces here.

What do you think of Littlewood? Let me know in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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