What is That? Scorn Looks Like an Alienesque Horror Game

Every so often, an interesting Kickstarter project pops up and I feel the need to investigate. Scorn is one such project that actually has me intrigued. Having watched the newest gameplay footage, I am getting a definite Alien vibe to the game. I like that. Let’s take a deeper dive into what exactly Scorn is.

Scorn Gameplay Trailer

About Scorn


Scorn is currently under development by Serbian studio Ebb Software. According to the game’s Kickstarter, the team has been working on Scorn since 2015, and is looking to raise €150,000, in order to polish and improve on what is currently developed. As of the time of writing, €77,973 has been pledged with 32 days still to go. An important note on the Kickstarter is that the game is being split into two parts. The current Kickstarter is only for part 1 dubbed “Dasein”.

Scorn Gameplay


In terms of gameplay, Scorn is described as being an atmospheric first-person horror adventure game. The Kickstarter describes many of the game’s core mechanics including:

  • Cohesive lived-in world: “Each region is a maze-like structure with various rooms and paths to discover. Living and breathing world, inhabited by many lifeforms, is yours to explore. But, be warned, for each action there is an equal and opposite reaction. “
  • Environmental storytelling: “All the storytelling happens in-game, with no cut-scenes to distract you from the grisly reality of the world you’re in. Remember to keep your eyes open – the game won’t show you any sympathy if you miss something important on your uneasy travels.”
  • Creature behavior: “Denizens of Scorn have their own twisted lives and personalities. They can be curious, afraid, hostile, neutral and anything in between. They will react and adapt to your actions and the changes you bring to their environment. “
  • Full body awareness: “Players will experience better immersion being aware of the character’s body and movement. Interaction with the environment is realistic – objects are picked up with your hands, machines and instruments are operated by grabbing the controls and every action takes time. “
  • Contextual puzzles: “A few things will look familiar, as strange machinery merged with organic forms fills the scenery. Discover the secrets of this odd technology so you could progress further. Everything has a reason and purpose – you just need to work out what it is.”

How all these mechanics will work remains to be seen, but it does appear to be rather ambitious in design. If the game can provide a disturbing horror experience, I’m interested. Hopefully, Ebb Software will be able to deliver on what they are promising, as I find the initial art and design to be intriguing.


Kickstarters are inherently risky, so do your due diligence. Hold to Reset is in no way affiliated with Scorn or Ebb Software, but simply found the game’s design to be interesting. Protect yourself when backing any Kickstarter projects.

Scorn is slated for release in October 2018. The game will launch on PC only, but the studio hopes Xbox One and Playstation 4 could receive releases of the game in the future.

What do you think of Scorn? Let us know in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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