What is That? Sinner Sacrifice for Redemption is an Indie Boss Rush for Souls Fans

In my What is That segment I like to present games that are off the radar, but seem like potential hidden gems. One game that I’ve recently heard about is Sinner Sacrifice for Redemption, an indie title that is being developed Dark Star. So what exactly is Sinner Sacrifice for Redemption? Let’s take a look.

Sinner Sacrifice for Redemption Trailer

Sinner Sacrifice for Redemption is an indie title in development by developer Dark Star. The game is slated to release on April 25th for PC and PS4 with Xbox One and Switch releases aimed at being later in the year.

As you can see from the trailer, the game gives off a very Soulsesque design and the game’s official website confirms this inspiration:

Inspired by the Souls series, Shadow of the Colossus, and with a dash of anime styling Sinner promises to be a thrilling and challenging experience.

Drawing inspiration from a couple of very beloved games, Sinner Sacrifice for Redemption is attempting to stand apart by focusing solely on boss fights. The game features a total of eight unique bosses that have their own look and feel. Each boss is based on the ‘sins’ of the protagonist (which seems like it could be pretty interesting). These bosses are accessed by using stones in the hub world to reach their arena. Arenas you find each boss inside are unique, as are the bosses abilities.

Alongside the unique boss fights is the ‘level-down’ system. This system has you sacrificing your strength and stats to battle new bosses. This level-down system is intriguing and could lead to some (hopefully) seriously difficult playthroughs. Besides these two main features, the game promises a variety of weapons and items to master, multiple endings, as well as punishing combat.

To read more about Sinner Sacrifice for Redemption, head over to the game’s official site.

Thoughts on this first look at Sinner Sacrifice for Redemption? Let us hear them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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