What’s for Sale in Prospero’s Shop – March 5

Prospero’s Featured Item shop in Anthem has been restocked with new items for players to purchase as of today (March 5). Check out what’s available in Prospero’s Shop below. Note: Shop cycles next on Friday.

Prospero’s Shop Items for Sale (March 5 – March 8)

Prospero's Shop Items for Sale
Check out the Prospero’s Shop Items for Sale.

Prospero’s Feature Store sells a selection of items for players to purchase. These items cycle weekly and will be a major source of new cosmetic armors. The items currently for sale at Prospero’s Shop (March 1 – March 5) are as follows:

  • Animation – Tell it To the Hand (Epic): 23000 Coin or 475 Shards.
  • Animation – Heavy Air Guitar (Epic): 23000 Coins or 475 Shards.
  • Graphic – Gate – Crasher (Rare): 36000 Coins or 600 Shards.
  • Graphic – Deadface (Epic): 36000 Coins or 600 Shards.
  • Fabric – Soft Cloth Triangles (Rare): 12000 Coins or 300 Shards.
  • Decal – Dark Formation (Uncommon): 6000 Coins or 200 Shards.

Something to note, not all items in Prospero’s Shop are applicable to all Javelins. Look in the upper right corner of the item display to see what Javelin the items apply to. I will be back on Friday to highlight the new offerings at Prospero’s Shop. See you then. Let me know if you picked up anything this week.

Need more help with Anthem? Check out our other guides including a look at the Tombs of Legionnaires, how to access DLC, and a guide to changing the color of your Javelin.

Did we help you learn what’s for sale in Prospero’s Shop? Let us know in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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