What’s New in Subject 2923 – Remnant From the Ashes

In the new Subject 2923 update for Remnant From the Ashes there is a ton of new stuff for players to find and complete. Much of this new stuff is hidden away so it may be hard to know exactly what all is in this new update. To help narrow things down we’ve thrown together this guide of what’s new in Subject 2923.

Note: Spoilers below.

New Campaign and Planet

Image showing the Subject 2923 campaign start screen in Remnant From the Ashes.

The first and most important things that have been added thanks to Subject 2923 is a new campaign and new planet. Dubbed the Subect 2923 campaign this new adventure places players on a new section of Earth directly after the ending of the From the Ashes campaign. To complete this campaign players must head to the new planet of Reisum where Subject 2923 has escaped to.

New Dungeons and Bosses

Image showing a boss from the Subject 2923 dlc for Remnant From the Ashes.

Since there is a new planet to explore it is only right that we get new dungeons along side it. There are a bunch of dungeons and dungeon related activities for players to experience on Reisum. We documented each and every one in our Reisum Dungeons guide. On top of the new dungeons there are a number of new bosses to fight including a new end-game boss. If you wish to spoil them for yourself you can check out our list of all Reisum bosses.

New Equipment: Trinkets, Weapons, and Armor

Featured image on How to Get Frostborne in Subject 2923 guide for Remnant From the Ashes.

With more bosses to fight it is only right that we get more trinkets, weapons, armor, and weapon mods to use. Most of the weapons and weapon mods come from boss materials while the armor sets come from different dungeon challenges. These equipment additions all have various stats, abilities, and uses to help you in your journey to defeat the Root once and for all. Read about the some of the different weapons and armors in our posts below:

These are just a few of the new additions you can find in the update. Many of the Trinkets can be found in the randomly in the Hub/Dungeons so be sure to explore as much as you can each run. You never know what you will find next to a skeleton.

That’t about it for the conten of the DLC. Depending on how thorough you are there is a fair bit of content here for you to play and replay. All told it will probably take you about 10-15 hours of efficient farming to get all the new items, beat all the bosses, and complete the campaign.

Thoughts on what’s new in Subject 2923? Drop a comment in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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